The Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD was founded in 1958 when three cities kept their local governments separate but merged their school districts in order to become even more competitive and high performing. HEB ISD's rich history of excellence is demonstrated today through International Baccalaureate, Asian languages, Spanish Immersion, high-quality prekindergarten programs, and sister schools in China and India. These international programs provide HEB ISD students a world-class education that prepares them to compete in a global economy.
The District is recognized across the state and nationwide for its superior curriculum, low teacher-student ratios, and a singular focus on instructional spending. This fine-tuned combination consistently makes HEB ISD the district of choice for families who want their children to have an academic edge.
HEB ISD is rich with diversity, which gives the district a distinctly international flavor. Students come from homes where more than 70 different native languages are spoken. These include children from Pakistan, the Sudan, Mexico, India, Vietnam, and South Korea. The HEB community has one of the largest Tongan populations outside of the South Pacific.
Preparing children to compete on a global stage takes a concerted effort. Every department, campus, and teacher works to support student achievement. Everyone must work together to prepare each student for the future, but in the end, it is students' responsibility to take charge of their learning. Teachers have high expectations for their students, and they will give them the resources to take ownership of their education.
This cultural environment provides students with the ability to interact on a global level, in the comfort of a school setting. When HEB students attend college with students from around the world, they will already have the experience of working with international peers. This prior experience will give them an added advantage in school and on the job.
In addition to a rich student life experience, HEB ISD offers a variety of international programs to help students prepare for living in a global economy. Elementary Spanish Immersion, junior high Hindi and Mandarin languages, and high school International Baccalaureate are only a few of the unique academic enrichment opportunities available. The District benefits from a strong relationship with the three municipalities, Tarrant County College, the HEB Chamber of Commerce, HEB Economic Development Foundation, HEB Education Foundation, Rotary Clubs, and local businesses and volunteers. Community support is an essential part of the HEB ISD success story.
Giving students that extra "edge" is not new in HEB. In 1958, three cities consolidated their school districts to form the Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD. This was the first of many forward-thinking, visionary actions taken in order to provide a unique education found only in HEB ISD. After 60 years of academic excellence, the District is well positioned to continue offering an unmatched education to all students.