AP Exam Performance (1.5D)
HEB ISD Data Scorecard
AP Exam Performance
The College Board's Advanced Placement (AP) courses allow HEB ISD students to develop postsecondary-level skills. Colleges across the country recognize strong AP performance by awarding credit for introductory courses, allowing students to save time and money. The structure of AP allows students to focus on subject areas where they have a specific interest or aptitude. After completing an AP-level course in a classroom, HEB ISD students have the option of taking an official AP exam.
College Board publishes the percentage of AP exams passed. The chart below reflects the percentage of AP exams passed at the national, state, and district level. 2020-2021 is the first year this information is represented on the district scorecard as comparison data with national and state percentages.
Note: This data is aligned to Success Measure 1.5D in HEB ISD's Strategic Plan. College Board is the source of data for this information.