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Legislative Priorities (89th Session)

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Hurst-Euless-Bedford (HEB) ISD values the students, parents, legal guardians, teachers, staff, and taxpayers who are stakeholders in our north Texas community. We are a continuous improvement school district and believe decisions related to education should be made through the lens of educational opportunity, meaningful accountability, and clear expectations.

By partnering with you on the following priorities, we will enhance educational outcomes and experiences for students, continue to provide an educated workforce and, in turn, bolster the economic prosperity of our school district.

Invest in HEB ISD Students

HEB ISD calls upon the Texas Legislature to fulfill its constitutional obligation to invest in students. The State of Texas will:

  • Support students and properly resource all public school classrooms by increasing the basic allotment, adjusting it for inflation every biennium, and moving to an enrollment-based funding model.
  • Ensure all state requirements are completely funded:
    • Full-day pre-kindergarten (HB 3)
    • Special education
  • Remove the current Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) and provide the TIA allocated funding to districts for investment in and retention of teachers.
  • Ensure all schools that receive state funding are held to the same transparency requirements, accountability standards, and enrollment practices as public schools.

Empower HEB ISD

We call upon the Texas Legislature to empower the HEB ISD community to govern our schools by removing barriers that limit our school board members from fulfilling their duties by:

  • Fully funding required safety measures from HB 3 while honoring local decisions for implementation.
  • Allocating funding for addressing student mental health needs.
  • Providing relief from the prescriptive nature of Texas Education Code Chapter 37, Discipline: Law and Order (i.e., return local control of the Code of Conduct to the local School Board).