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School Board & Policies

This page includes basic information about the HEB ISD School Board. For official information -- including board meeting dates/times, board meeting agendas, board operating procedures, and board goals -- please visit the official Board Docs website:


The HEB ISD Board of Trustees is a group of seven community volunteers who guide the operation of the school district. They are selected by the local community through a school board election and aim to provide students with the highest quality education possible.

The mission of HEB ISD Board of Trustees is to effectively allocate resources, set policy, direct and support the superintendent on behalf of students, parents, staff, and community by engaging in a process of continuous improvement that results in the accomplishment of district goals.

Board members are elected to staggered 4-year terms. The next election for Places 2, 3, 4, and 5 is planned for May 2025. The next election day for Places 1, 6, and 7 is planned for May 2027.  

School Board Members

Board Docs

Please visit the Board Docs link below to access information related to the Board of Trustees, including board meeting dates/times, board meeting agendas, board operating procedures, and board goals.


BoardDocs Home

Board Policy Manual

The mission of the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District is to continue its proud tradition of excellence as a diverse, high-performing organization committed to ensuring each student is empowered today to excel tomorrow.