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Strategic Plan

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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning sets the district's direction and organizes the work of the district around a standard plan of action. The Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD follows a priorities-based strategic planning process. Priorities and quality indicators are created to fulfill the district's Mission and Vision statements. The priorities and indicators span a 5-year timeline with an annual review to make any necessary changes. The priorities and indicators are implemented through campus and department level improvement plans.

The Strategic Plan is created in partnership with key stakeholders, including staff, student groups, parent representatives, and community representatives.

The plan recognizes students today face a uniquely challenging future. Graduation requirements have increased, and high stakes tests have been introduced at all levels. In addition, there are new college, career, and military opportunities available to future graduates. In response to these realities the Strategic Plan defines the five District priorities for 2024-2029. These priorities will guide the District in the areas of student success, employee success, safety and wellbeing, effective and efficient operations for all components, and family & community partnerships.

These indicators reflect the District's core values to ensure every student is empowered today to excel tomorrow.

Student Success
Employee Success
Safety and Wellbeing
Effectiveness and Efficiency
Family and Community Partnerships