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Notice of Advanced Academics/GT Assessment

HEB ISD follows the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented students and uses multiple measures, both qualitative and quantitative, in the process of identifying a student’s need for gifted services. According to the State of Texas, a gifted and talented student is “a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment....”

Students may be referred for assessment by teachers/staff members, parents/guardians, administrators, or may self-refer.

All students in grades K-3 are considered for Advanced Academics and are included in screening activities, which are scheduled during the school day. If the GT Identification Committee determines a potential need for gifted services, the campus will contact the family for consent to conduct further assessment.

To request assessment for students in grades K-12  who have not previously been identified for the Advanced Academics program, please complete the Request for Advanced Academics GT Assessment form below. Students self-refer by contacting the school counselor. 

If you wonder whether your student might have a need for gifted services, here are some resources you might review.

HEB ISD Gifted and Talented website provides an overview of the district’s gifted services and identification process.

Traits of Giftedness The National Association for Gifted Children shares lists of cognitive, creative, affective, and behavioral traits that can be common in gifted individuals.

Celebrate Your Child, part of the Texas Education Agency’s Equity in Gifted/Talented Education site, provides information for parents to help them recognize gifted traits and to help facilitate conversations with your school.

If, after reviewing these common traits of gifted individuals, you feel that your student demonstrates gifted traits and meets the definition of gifted and talented used by the State as quoted in the first paragraph of this notice, you may complete the online form below in its entirety to have your student assessed for Advanced Academics/GT. The form will ask you to rate your student on a variety of characteristics commonly found in gifted individuals and will give you the opportunity to explain your selections and provide examples. With this in mind, please allow yourself ample time to provide thorough responses.

Request for Advanced Academics Assessment (Online Form)

Requests for Advanced Academics/GT assessment are accepted at any time; however, in order to be assessed in the 24-25 school year, requests need to be submitted by the dates below. Assessment for requests submitted after these dates might not be administered until the 25-26 school year.

  • Kindergarten: January 1
  • Grade 1: December 1
  • Grade 2 and up: October 1

Parents will be notified of the assessment results by the end of December for Grades 2 and 3 and by the end of February for Kindergarten and Grade 1. For Grades 4 and up, parents will be notified of the results upon completion of assessment.

If you have further questions, please contact your school counselor or the Coordinator of Advanced Academics.

Cheryl Harris
Coordinator of Advanced Academics