Counseling & Guidance
The HEB ISD counseling staff at the administration building consists of 1 coordinator, 1 secretary, and 1 records clerk, who keeps records of all past students of HEB ISD, including final transcripts of all students who graduated more than 1 year ago. At the high school level, there are at 5 counselors at L.D. Bell, 6 counselors at Trinity, and 1 at KEYS/AEP/SOS. Each junior high school has 2 counselors, each elementary school has 1 counselor. These people are dedicated to the success of each student in HEB ISD. Please do not hesitate to call on anyone at anytime for help as together we strive for excellence and the complete and total education of your student.
Department Staff
Note: School counselors are listed on each school's website.
Stacy Force
Coordinator of Counseling & Guidance;
HEB ISD Foster Care Liaison and Military-Connected Liaison
817-399-2064 -
Amy Miller
817-399-2064 -
Anita Weddle
PEIMS Student Records Specialist
817-399-2051 -
Parent Permission Forms
The mission of the Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD Counseling Program is to help each student discover individual strengths and needs, to choose realistic goals and to consider one's educational experiences wisely in planning for the future.