TRiO Talent Search
Talent Search personnel work with students by providing support and guidance in the following areas: secondary school success, postsecondary enrollment, financial literacy, career exploration, and personal development. Students are selected for participation based on their need for the program, family income, and parental educational attainment. All HEB ISD students are welcome to apply.
TRiO Staff
Sophie McTyre
TRiO Project Director
817-399-2569 -
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the purpose of Talent Search?
Talent Search serves students in grades 7-12 in the HEB school district. We assist students in completing their secondary education (high school) and going on to enroll in a course of post-secondary course work--that means college, community college, trade school, etc. Most of our students come from families where neither parent has completed a bachelor's degree, and there is an income criteria that most of our students must meet.
We also work with adults in the community who have not finished high school to complete high school or enroll in a GED program. In addition, we work with those who are not currently enrolled in post-secondary school to enroll in school.
Why is there a University of North Texas Logo on all of Talent Search's materials?
TRIO programs must be sponsored by a company or a university. Talent Search is sponsored by UNT, which means that TS advisors are employed by UNT. UNT also provides office space and other things so that Talent Search can run. For more information about UNT, you can click on the University of North Texas link on our links page.
How can I become a part of Talent Search?
Ask your counselor at your school for an application, or go to our contact directory and send an email to us.
How much does it cost to participate in Talent Search?
There is no cost to the student or his/her parents. Talent Search is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and sponsored by the University of North Texas.
Is Talent Search only for students who make really good grades?
No. Talent Search advisors work with all kinds of students: those who are on the honor roll, or those who may be failing a class or two. We believe that almost all students have the capacity to learn and excel, and to go on to some kind of education beyond high school. We do require a commitment to finish high school, to try hard to make good grades, and to enroll in some sort of education after high school.
Don't only really smart kids and really rich kids go to college?
No! Higher education is for almost everyone, regardless of how smart or how not-so-smart they may be. It is also not only for people with lots of money because the federal government also provides financial aid for those who cannot afford college. Come talk to an adivisor and we can help you figure out if college--or some other kind of education--is right for you.
Our mission is to assist students in grades 7 through 12 and those who have never completed high school to graduate from a secondary program and to enter a postsecondary course of study (community college, four-year college, or technical school).