Elementary DAEP (District Alternative Education Program)
900 Bedford Rd, Bedford, TX 76022 | phone: 817-399-3555
(entrance to Elementary DAEP is from Somerset Terrace)
Note: For information about the program for older students, visit the Secondary DAEP website.
Parent Orientation & Handbook
Has your student been assigned to DAEP? Learn more about the program by reviewing the orientation slides:
Elementary DAEP - Orientation Slides
More detailed information is available in the Parent Handbook:
Elementary DAEP - Parent Handbook
Students in DAEP must also follow the HEB ISD Code of Conduct & Student Handbook.
Elementary DAEP Staff
Administrators & Front Office Staff
- Elementary DAEP Coordinator: Valen Tutt
valentutt@hebisd.edu - Counselor: Barton Weedman
Teachers & School Staff
- Crossroads Teacher: Heidi Harville
heidiharville@hebisd.edu - SOS Teacher (Language Arts / Social Studies): Krystle Marra
krystlemarra@hebisd.edu - SOS Teacher (Math / Science): Sebastian Santos
The mission of Elementary DAEP is to coach students in improving social-emotional skills and practice positive behaviors in order to reduce the barriers to academic success and support a successful transition back to home campus.