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State Personal Leave

    •  Days may be used for any of the following:
      • illness of the employee
      • illness of a member of the employee's immediate family
      • family emergency
      • death in the employee's immediate family
      • during military leave
    • If you are absent due to sickness self, you have the right to have the day pulled from your local sick leave bank or your state personal leave bank. Please select "sickness-using a personal day" as the reason for your absence.
    • Absences will NOT be counted against your seven (7) allowed state personal leave days during a school year.
    • Days are NOT subject to the restricted dates calendars


    • You may use up to 5 days in a row.
    • You may use no more than 7 days per school year.
    • You must submit a written request to use a personal day at least three (3) workdays in advance.
    • The supervisor will determine if your request is approved or denied based on the effect your absence would have on the educational program or district operations, as well as the availability of substitutes.
    • Request are approved on first-come, first-served basis.
    • You may not use a personal leave day on a restricted day (i.e. day before or after a holiday, etc.). Please review  the restricted day calendar for the specific dates.
  • If you worked for another public school district in the state of Texas, your service record will indicate if you are bringing any personal leave days with you.
  • If you leave the district, your personal leave days will go with you.