English Language Arts
Vision: Empowering teachers to develop critical readers, writers, and thinkers.
Department Staff
(Teachers are listed on the school websites)
Leigh-Anna Phillips
Coordinator of Elementary Language Arts (Grades K-5)
817-399-2009 - Leigh-AnnaPhillips@hebisd.edu
Terri Smith
Coordinator of Secondary English Language Arts (Grades 6-12)
817-399-2067 - TerriSmith@hebisd.edu
Javier Ojeda
Language Arts Secretary
817-399-2066 - JavierOjeda@hebisd.edu
Susan Biggers-Horn
Secondary English Language Arts Teacher Facilitator
817-399-2184 - SusanBiggers-Horn@hebisd.edu
Karen Pasichnyk
Elementary Language Arts Facilitator
817-399-2190 - KarenPasichnyk@hebisd.edu
The mission of the Hurst-Euless-Bedford English Language Arts Department is to support teachers by providing high quality curriculum, resources, and professional development that facilitate literacy development for all students.