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McKinney-Vento / Family Center

The mission of the Family Center is to identify and improve the lives of homeless and at-risk families in the HEBISD. We provide services that support our families and students during a time of hardship and transition. We treat our clients with dignity and respect in order to empower them to better their living situation and to support the educational environment of our students.


  • Students without a permanent address or essential enrollment documents/immunizations may have the right to immediate enrollment if they qualify under the McKinney-Vento Act. This federal legislation protects the rights of students living in one of the following situations:
    • Doubled-up with friends or family due to a recent loss of housing and economic hardship
    • Living in a hotel/motel due to a recent loss of housing and economic hardship
    • Living in a shelter (homeless, domestic violence, run-away)
    • Living in a tent, car, van, abandoned building, or the streets, at a campground, in the park, or other unsheltered location
  • Students who are unaccompanied (not living with a legal parent or guardian) may also have the right to immediate school enrollment.


For additional information, and to determine if your child can enroll under the McKinney-Vento Act, please contact the HEB ISD Family Center at 817-399-3470 (English) or 817-399-3473 (Spanish)

McKinney-Vento Liaison: Marie Becker, Coordinator Federal Programs Department |, (817) 399-2082

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McKinney-Vento Rights & Information

This information is also available on the Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY) website at