Title I - Family Engagement
Celina Goss
Coordinator of Family Engagement & Extended Day Academy
celinagoss@hebisd.edu | 817-399-2093
Whitney Blair
whitneyblair@hebisd.edu | 817-399-2093
Family Engagement has a positive impact on student academic success. Research shows when families are involved in their students' education; they achieve higher grades, maintain better attendance and complete homework more consistently.
There are many ways a family can support student success such as:
- Read often with your children
- Encourage conversation about their school day
- Monitor academic progress on the Home Access Center (HAC)
- Volunteer for school activities
- Attend parent/teacher conferences
- Visit school websites to stay current with upcoming events
- Attend academic events offered by the schools like Math and Reading Nights
- Develop a partnership with teachers and school staff
"Family Engagement clearly benefits students in early years, but continued family engagement shows significant gains at all ages and all grade levels"