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Physical Education

About Physical Education classes

  • Grades K-5: participate in physical activity 135 minutes per week
  • Grade 6: participates in physical activity at least 225 minutes every two weeks for two semesters
  • Grade 7: participates in daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes for two semesters
  • Grades 3-12: participates in Fitnessgram Assessments. Parents may request Fitnessgram results. In grades 3-6, the Fitnessgram results are sent out at the end of the school year.
  • The curriculum is based on the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, as well as, the National Standards and the TAHPERD (Texas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) Physical Education Framework.
  • The on-line curriculum is structured, sequential and age-appropriate.


Note: Health classes in HEB ISD are now part of the district's Science department. 

Department Staff

P.E. classes in HEB ISD are part of the school district's Athletics departmentP.E. teachers are listed on each school's website.

Mike Fielder
Director of Athletics

Lesley Kowalski

Cheryl Bills