State-Based Pre-K Registration
State-Based Full Day Pre-K Registration
Come learn about HEB ISD Pre-K at our Pre-K Kickoff Night
April 7, 2025
On EVERY Elementary School Campus
6:30 PM
Pre-K Registration Information (2025-2026)
Online registration for Prekindergarten will open April 8, 2025.
Eligible children must be FOUR years of age on/before September 1, of the current school year.
State-Based Pre-K parents can start to register online on April 8, 2025, using the links below:
- Online Registration Form - State-Based Pre-K Registration (English)
(This link will be enabled on April 8, 2025)
- Online Registration Form - State-Based Pre-K Registration (Spanish)
(This link will be enabled on April 8, 2025)
Note: Do NOT choose the option for Tuition-Based Pre-K. The option for State-Based Pre-K will become available in the morning on April 8, 2025.
State-Based Prekindergarten Eligibility Guidelines
- Child must be 4 years old on/before September 1, of the current school year.
- Child must live within Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD
- Child must meet "ONE" of the following criteria: [as specified in Texas Education Code §29.153 (b)]
- is unable to speak and comprehend the English language OR ...
- is educationally disadvantaged (eligible to participate in the National Free or Reduced Price Lunch Program; download the income guidelines); OR …
- is homeless (as defined by 42 U.S.C.S. Section, 11302) OR …
- is the child of an active duty member military dependent OR …
- is or has been in the conservatorship of the Dept. of Family and Protective Services (as defined Section 262.201, Family Code)
- is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award.
Documentation for enrollment:
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Records
- Social Security Card (if available)
- Proof of District Residency
- Current utility bill (no telephone bills) with parent's or guardian's name and address OR
- Current lease agreement with parent's or guardian's name and address OR
- Proof of Income.
- Current pay stub with gross income for all household members
- Tax Return (if Self Employed)
- Proof of Food Stamp/TANF (if applicable)-Public Assistance Award Letter (Food stamp/TANF letter indicating current amount & dates)
- Proof of military service for active duty military parent(s) (if applicable)
- Proof of Foster Care/State Adoption (if applicable)
- Proof of Star of Texas Award (if applicable)
Immunization Requirements 4 year olds (Pre-K)
- 4 doses of DPT/DTaP/DT/TdaP/Td
- 3 doses Polio
- 1 dose MMR received on or after the 1st birthday*
- 3 doses Hib (one of which must be on or after 12 months) or 1 dose Hib after 15 months of age
- 2 doses Hepatitis A received on or after 1st birthday*
- 3 doses Hepatitis B
- Pneumococcal Conjugate (Prevnar, PCV7) - 4 doses given in infancy with one dose after age 1, or 2 doses if given between 12-24 months, or 1 dose if given after 24 months
- 1 dose Varicella (if child has not had chickenpox) *