Shot Records
Also see the Immunization Requirements page on the HEB ISD Health Services website.
4 year olds (Pre-K) Immunization Requirements
- 4 doses of DPT/DTaP/DT/TdaP/Td
- 3 doses Polio
- 1 dose MMR received on or after the 1st birthday*
- 3 doses Hib (one of which must be on or after 12 months) or 1 dose Hib after 15 months of age
- 2 doses Hepatitis A received on or after 1st birthday*
- 3 doses Hepatitis B
- Pneumococcal Conjugate (Prevnar, PCV7) - 3 doses given with one dose given after the age of 12 months, or 2 doses if given between 12-24 months, or 1 dose if given after 24 months
- 1 dose Varicella on or after the first birthday (if child has not had chickenpox) *
* Doses given up to (and including) 4 days before the birthday will meet the requirements for school entry.
**If any combination of four doses of OPV and IPV was received before four years of age, no additional dose is required.
Exclusions from compliance are allowable on an individual basis as specified in Texas Education Code 2.09, Chapter 97. For further information, contact the school nurse.