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Demonstration Classrooms

Teachers who earn HEB ISD's Demonstration Classroom honor have set a high standard of excellence for their peers. These teachers have embraced Continuous Improvement as the structure to empower the highest levels of student achievement in their classroom.

What are Demonstration Classrooms?

When HEB ISD implemented Continuous Improvement 16 years ago, district leadership wanted to recognize teachers who were utilizing the framework to improve processes and outcomes. These classrooms serve as models to “demonstrate” how teachers and students use a systems approach to continuous improvement to improve teaching and learning.

For the 2018-2019 school year, 32 teachers are being awarded Continuous Improvement Demonstration Classroom honors. These awardees represent both secondary and elementary campuses.

How are Demonstration Classrooms chosen?

Teachers complete Continuous Improvement Classroom rubrics individually and with their campus administrator. If their rubric results show proficiency, teachers then collect portfolio samples demonstrating implementation of a systems approach to continuous improvement in their classroom. Portfolio and student achievement results are evaluated by a panel of Executive Leadership Team members, in addition to representatives from the Curriculum and Professional Development departments.