Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
- Any backordered item exceeding six (6) months must be approved by the Purchasing Department before shipping
- ANY price or quantity increase/change to a purchase order must be approved by the purchasing department at 817-399-2036 or purchasing@hebisd.edu prior to any order being processed.
- All purchases are to be charged to Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD (HEB ISD).
- All invoices must be itemized and issued for only the items received.
- A valid District PO# must appear on all itemized invoices.
- Sales tax shall not be included on the invoice. Tax Exempt# 75-6004311
- All invoices must be sent to: HEB ISD/Account Payable, 1849 Central Dr. Bedford, TX 76022 or accountspayable@hebisd.edu.
- All shipments must be sent prepaid by seller, F.O.B. destination only.
- All deliveries shall be made to the campus or department indicated in the “ship to” area of the Purchase Order.
- Deliveries must be made during regular school days, alternate schedule days & hours will be notated on the Purchase orders
- Deliveries must be inside deliveries.
- The title and risk of loss of the goods shall not pass to the District until the District receives and takes possession of the goods at the point of delivery.
- The purchase order shall be governed by the uniform commercial code.
The vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless HEB ISD (including the Board of Trustees and the employees of HEB ISD) from all claims of liability to third parties (including but not limited to: the injury or death of person(s), or the loss or damage to property) arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Vendor. The Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless HEB ISD (including the Board of Trustees and the employees of HEB ISD) from all liabilities, cost, expenses, attorney fees, fines, penalties, or damages for any or claimed infringement of any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other corresponding right(s) which is related to any part of the goods or service(s) the Vendor is required to provide or perform. The Vendor’s obligation to this clause shall survive acceptance and payment of the goods or service(s) by HEB ISD.