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Dissertation or Research Request Guidelines

In the interest of supporting student achievement and advancing academic research, Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District will consider requests to perform educational research projects within the district. Anyone wishing to complete research in HEB ISD must obtain approval from the HEB ISD Department of Research and Evaluation. All research must directly benefit HEB ISD students.  

Research Request Application

To be considered, research applications must meet the following guidelines:

  1. Any research participant interacting with students must complete a background check. 
  2. All research interventions planned to take place during regular instructional time must be approved by the HEB ISD Curriculum and Instruction Department and the principal of the campus of interest. 
  3. Research activities must take place outside of state testing windows. 
  4. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  5. Researchers should not contact individual teachers or other staff members prior to receiving approval through the Department of Research and Evaluation. 
  6. All research should be connected to at least one goal on HEB ISD’s Strategic Plan.
  7. HEB ISD reserves the right to terminate research at any time. 
  8. Researchers are responsible for maintaining FERPA guidelines and maintaining all data in a secure and confidential manner. 
  9. Researchers are required to provide HEB ISD with copies of their final papers/reports. 

Once an application is received, the Coordinator of Research and Evaluation will contact all parties pertinent to the research question (i.e. campus principals, heads of departments, etc.) to determine if the research is both feasible and useful to concerned parties. Once a determination is made, applicants will be contacted via email with the decision. This process should take 2 – 4 weeks.