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Secondary Administration

In HEB ISD, "secondary school" refers to junior highs (grades 7-9) and high schools (grades 10-12).

Our secondary schools provide students with a comprehensive course of study emphasizing intellectual development in the core disciplines as well as elective courses of study. Students and parents work in conjunction with school counselors to select courses and a graduation plan to address each student's individual academic goals.

Students may select from two graduation plans: Recommended High Program or Distinguished Achievement Program. Students who meet the district's eligibility requirements may also elect to participate in the International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, and/or Gifted and Talented Programs.

The District's secondary schools provide students access to numerous electives as they begin to explore options for their future. The HEB ISD junior high schools follow a semester plan with seven class periods in a school day. Two 18-week semesters make up the school year, and credits are granted at the end of each semester. High school students are encouraged to fully explore their interests through a wide variety of electives, career and technology programs, and extracurricular activities.

Students are able to concentrate on development in specific academic areas and to explore career paths while preparing for employment and/or higher education. HEB ISD high schools follow a trimester plan with five class periods in a school day. Three 12-week trimesters make up the school year with credits being granted at the end of each trimester. This schedule allows ample time for students to earn required credits while taking full advantage of elective offerings.

Our department is responsible for all secondary instructional programs and includes fine arts, career and technology education and athletics.

Graduation Requirements
Students electing to graduate from HEB ISD must have 26 credits in the following areas: English Language Arts (4), mathematics (4), science (4), social studies (4), health (1/2), physical education (1), technology applications (1), speech (1/2), languages other than English (2), fine arts (1) and electives for one Endorsement (4).

Career & Technical Education
HEB ISD is one of a handful of districts with a centrally located Career and Technical Education Academy to serve secondary students. The center offers a variety of career and technology options including industrial trades, health science technology, law enforcement and criminal justice, and culinary arts. Students are able to provide services to the community while learning computer-aided drafting, cosmetology, computer technology, automotive technology, collision repair, and other career skills. HEB ISD is on the leading edge of information technology education with successful pilot programs in computer construction, repair, configuration, and networking.

KEYS High School
The KEYS (Keeping Eligible Youth in School) High School offers a unique approach to effective education for HEB ISD students ages 16 through 21 who have been identified as having significant personal, academic, economic, or attitudinal needs. Students who have dropped out of high school or who are at risk of dropping out may complete the required coursework for graduation at KEYS High School. Individualized instruction, computer-aided instruction, self-esteem enhancement, and flexible scheduling are the emphasized areas of the learning center's approach to education.



Secondary (and elementary) principals are designated as their school's campus behavior coordinators. (Texas Senate Bill 107, 84th Legislature)

Secondary Administration Staff

(principals and school staff are listed on the schools' websites)

Katina Rhodes
Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Administration
817-399-2062 -

Tammy Major
Secondary Administration Administrative Assistant
817-399-2062 -

Katina Rhodes

Katina Rhodes
Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Administration