Child Find Information
Child Find
What is Child Find?
The purpose of Child Find is to identify, locate, and evaluate children from birth to 21 years of age with known or suspected disabilities who reside in and/or attend school within the school district’s boundaries. Child find is a free referral service designed to determine whether a need for special education and related services exists.
Children learn at different rates but some children have significant difficulty in one or more areas of development. If you are concerned your child may be learning differently from others, please call our office at 817-399-2251.
Referral Process
A referral to Child Find may be made by any person concerned about a child’s development including:
- Parents
- Preschool Teachers/Directors
- Daycare Providers
- Physicians
- Outside agencies, therapists, Early Childhood Intervention (ECI).
ECI provides services to children with disabilities from birth to the age of 3. Students receiving services through ECI will be transitioned into the public school system prior to their third birthday
To make a Child Find referral, please call our office at 817-399-2264. Parent involvement and agreement is obtained prior to any assessment. Information is confidential and the privacy of the child and parent is protected.
What does “child with a disability” mean?
The term "child with a disability" means a child who (1) has one of the following disability conditions and (2) needs special education services to benefit from education:
- Speech/Language Impairment
- Autism
- Learning Disability
- Intellectual Disability
- Emotional Disturbance
- Orthopedic Impairment
- Vision Impairment
- Hearing Impairment
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Other Health Impairment
Possible Services and Placement Options
Based on the results of the evaluation, placement decisions will be determined. Placement options could include instruction and therapy services in a special education classroom, instruction in a general education classroom with special education support, or speech therapy services.
For more information about Child Find, please contact:
HEB ISD Early Childhood Team
Phone: 817-399-2264