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Special Education Documents

Texas Education Agency (TEA)

IDEA is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a federal law that assures students with disabilities receive free appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. An important component of this law promotes parent participation in their child's education.

The TEA (Texas Education Agency) has written a resource guide for you as a parent of a child who may be eligible for special education supports and services.

A hard copy is available for review in our office. However, the most current version of the document will reside on the TEA website at TEA's Guidance on Admission, Review, and Dismissal Guide Production and Required Dissemination

Texas House Bill 657

Any student receiving special education services who is enrolled in 5th or 8th grade will have an Admission Review or Dismissal (ARD) meeting if he/she does not perform satisfactorily on the math or reading STAAR assessments. The ARD committee will determine the manner in which the student will participate in accelerated instruction and whether the student will be promoted or retained. The committee may promote the student to the next grade level if the committee concludes that the student has made sufficient progress in the measurable academic goals contained in the student’s individual education program (IEP). A school district that promotes a student under this subsection is not required to provide an additional opportunity for the student to perform satisfactorily on the assessment instrument.