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Bus Authorization Letter - First Grade and Younger

Download the Bus Authorization Letter - First grade and younger

Dear Parent,

The HEB ISD Transportation Department is committed to providing the safest, most efficient service to all eligible students. The HEB ISD transportation policy states that younger elementary (first grade and lower) bus riders must be met at the bus stop each day by an adult. A student first grade and younger not met by an adult at the bus stop is taken back to campus where the parent is contacted to pick up the student. When the bus is required to return a student to the campus it is late for the next pick up and drop off, causing a number of problems for other parents and campuses across the district.

It is extremely important that you make provisions for an adult to meet your first grade or younger student every day at the bus stop. Please be aware of the steps that will be taken in the event this policy is not followed:

  • 1st Incident – Warning from Campus Administrator
  • 2nd Incident – Loss of Bus Privileges for one week
  • 3rd Incident – Loss of Bus Privileges for six weeks and a report is made to Child Protective Services

Persistent noncompliance with this policy will result in loss of bus privileges for the remainder of the year and follow-up contact with Child Protective Services.

Please inform the school if you know you will not be able to greet your student at the bus stop. The student will not be allowed to board the bus and you may pick him/her up at the campus. Your student will be safe and the bus route will remain on schedule to other campuses.

There is the opportunity for parents to give the transportation department permission for your student to be released to the care of an alternate adult or an older student (third grade or older) by contacting HEB ISD Transportation at 817-399-2441 or completing the online form at

Thank you,
HEB ISD Transportation