Questions & Answers
- Why does VIPS need me?
- I'm retired. Can I still volunteer?
- Can students be VIPS, too?
- Are there any VIPS benefits?
- Why is logging hours important?
- What can I count as VIPS hours?
- What are examples of volunteer activities?
Why does VIPS need me?
The Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD has a long history of volunteerism, and during the 2001-2002 school year, the District and the HEB Council of PTAs created VIPS, a formal program for recruiting and maintaining volunteers to offer hands-on assistance in our schools. Our volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds. They may be family members of children in school, or other individuals who want to give back to the community.
The objective of VIPS is to positively impact student achievement. Volunteers can read to students, tutor in a particular subject area, work in the library, or assist with special events. There is almost no end to opportunities in VIPS.
I'm retired. Can I still volunteer?
"I want to give something back.""I learn something new every day."
"I want to be active."
These are just some of the reasons many people spend their retirement years as volunteers for the Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD. After spending years in the workforce and raising their families, many retirees have chosen to be a part of Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPS), a program that brings volunteers together with children in HEB schools. Whether you represent a church group, civic group, or if you just want to donate some personal time, you can help us provide a quality education for over 20,000 students. You can make a difference in the lives of children, because they still need you.
Be Part of Their "Safety Net"
National research shows that it is important for our youth to have at least three non-parent adults whom they can trust. We surveyed our own HEB youth, and 57 percent said they do not have this type of adult support system. Without this adult support, young people are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors. With your help, our young people can overcome adversity, succeed in school, and become community leaders.
How Do I Get Started?
If you already know you want to volunteer at a particular school, you can join VIPS right away by following these steps:
- Contact a school to ask about volunteer opportunities
- Fill out a volunteer application - this will culminate in background/records check to protect students
- Attend a volunteer orientation and training session
You will work with a school VIPS Coordinator and a PTA Volunteer Chair, and they will ensure a smooth transition into volunteering.
Who made a difference in your life? Can you do the same for a child in HEB?
Can students be VIPS, too?
Yes! The process for current HEB ISD students is slightly different. Instead of completing our online volunteer application, please work directly with the teacher or staff member you are volunteering with.
We all have people we admire. Many of the people we look up to are older than us, and we can learn a lot from them.
Think of the young people who could look up to you and ask for advice, if you volunteered to help them. The Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD needs youth volunteers who can help make a difference in another person's life.
We invite you to join Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPS) and become a youth volunteer. Remember how you looked up to older kids when you were younger? Now, you have the chance to be a partner in education in a unique way, in a role only you can fill.
Youth volunteers can be any age. No one is too young to help another person. By beginning volunteer service at an early age, you can make a difference right away. You will become a community leader and make the HEB community a better place.
Why Should I Volunteer?
There are many reasons to volunteer. Some may be personal and help you fulfill something just for you. Other reasons to volunteer include:
- To make a difference in the life of another and make the world a better place
- To fulfill requirements for awards competition
- To fulfill a community service requirement for a class or an organization, such as International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, or National Honor Society
- To fulfill a community service requirement for college admittance or scholarships
- To develop interpersonal skills that are required in the workplace
How Do I Get Started?
High School and Junior High
- Ask your favorite elementary teacher if you can read or tutor one of his/her students
- Help with after school activities at an elementary school
- If you have an early release, use that time to volunteer with younger students
- Ask your assistant principal about clubs like PALS, TAFE, or create your own volunteer organization
- Show off what you know by teaching someone else
- Ask a teacher if you can read to younger students
- Ask your teacher if your entire class can organize a volunteer project
Any Age
- Ask your campus PTA leaders how you can help with school projects
- Help with Christmas Providers, PTA Clothes Closet, 6 Stones, or a nursing home
Are there any VIPS benefits?
We know you volunteer for your own reasons, but as part of VIPS, we want to recognize your hard work, and we offer the following:
- Awards luncheon every spring
- Name badges for volunteers who donate 100+ hours in a single year
- Red, silver and gold apple service pins for badge wearers who serve above and beyond 100 hours after earning a badge
If you already know you want to volunteer at a particular school, you can join VIPS right away by following these steps:
- Contact the school and match your skills with what the school needs
- Fill out a background check form - this is done to ensure safety of all students
- Attend a volunteer orientation and training session
You will work with a school VIPS Coordinator and a PTA Volunteer Chair, and they will ensure a smooth transition into volunteering.
Not sure where to begin? Contact the HEB ISD PR & Marketing Department.
Who made a difference in your life? Can you do the same for a child in HEB?
Why is logging hours important?
Many campuses compete against each other for awards, and while friendly competition is always fun, there are more important reasons to log volunteer hours.
Logging volunteer hours shows the public how much you believe in our public schools. When so many people today say negative things about our schools and our students, you prove them wrong by showing up every day to volunteer and then documenting that information to provide us with data.
The logged hours are also a form of feedback. It tells us that we have reached you and that we are doing our job. In HEB ISD, parents and community members are vital partners in the educational process. The documentation of volunteer hours is evidence of that partnership and it tells us we are on track.
There are times when a campus or a club may need data for an award application. In 2009, our Blue Ribbon Schools needed to provide volunteer data on their application and because of our VIPS program and the hours logged, they had years of trend data at their disposal.
You are a voice in favor of public education. When we can say that our school volunteers log thousands of hours, it speaks volumes about the positive things going on in public schools today. The evidence is in the data. So, when we ask you to log your hours, it is because that illustrates your support for HEB ISD and for public education today.
What can I count as VIPS hours?
(Non-Employees of Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD)
- Donation of Time Performing Volunteer Duties
- Attending PTA, booster club, and other meetings
- Monetary/food items donated by an individual volunteer who is an active volunteer in HEB ISD's Raptor system
- Chaperone costs
Not Eligible
- Spirit Wear
- Fees
- Fundraisers
- Booster Club Dues
- Any other Item Purchased (banquet tickets, photography, etc.)
- Lunch with your child
- Suzuki Lessons
- Business/Adopter Donations
- Parents attending parent/teacher conferences
What WILL Count Toward VIPS Hours for Campus or Individual Volunteers:
- Donations of Time: Time spent performing volunteer duties for the school or group.
- Meetings: Booster meetings, parent meetings, etc...
- Monetary/Food Donations: Donations of food for activities or direct monetary donations to the group where nothing is personally received in return (food for goodie bags, breakfast, or money donated to purchase these items, etc.)
- Chaperone Costs: Hotel expenses, food costs and travel expenses while performing duties as a chaperone.
What Will NOT Count Toward VIPS Hours for Campus or Individual Volunteers:
- Spirit Wear: uniforms, letter jackets, t-shirts, or any other apparel. - Since the child gets to wear and keep the uniform, and it is not donated, this is a direct purchase, not a donation.
- Fees: camp fees, competition fees, travel or food expenses at camp/competition. The parent receives something in return for these fees. They get to compete or attend camp. They are not donating the fees to the school.
- Fundraisers: (wrapping paper, candles, etc..) - This is a direct purchase, unless the person making the purchase turns around and donates the item to the school. Otherwise, the person received an item for the money, which is the end of the transaction.
- Banquet tickets: Since the person purchasing the tickets attends the banquet and eats the food, again, this is a direct purchase in which there is a beginning and end of the transaction.
- Booster Club dues: Dues from a person to a club DO NOT count. However, if a club turns around and donates dues to a school, then the campus may receive VIPS hours in a bulk account, but the VIPS credit would not belong to a particular individual.
- Pictures/Photography: Since the person making the purchase gets to keep the photos and is not making a donation, but making a direct purchase, this will not count.
- Lunch with Child: Having lunch with your child does not count as VIPS hours.
- Business/Adopter Donation: Donations may not be counted because donation converted to cash value must belong to a VIPS volunteer who has passed a background check and who has received a VIPS User ID and password. These business/adopter donations cannot be converted and entered into campus bulk accounts either.
What are examples of volunteer activities?
These are a few ways volunteers may assist our schools. The hours worked by every volunteer should be recorded in the VIPS HourTracker system. Volunteer hours are counted as the actual time spent on an activity including travel time to and from the activity. Donation of purchased items (cookies, office supplies, etc.) should be recorded and reported along with volunteer hours.
Work at Home
- Secure speakers for special school activities
- Prepare class displays
- Make bulletin board materials
- Make costumes for plays; build sets
- Bake or purchase items sent to school for special occasions
- Cut out materials to be laminated
Work Directly with Students
- Tutor or mentor individuals
- Mentor a group of students through TEAMS at L.D. Bell High School or Trojan Talk at Trinity High School
- Read aloud to students or listen to them practice reading
- Present cultural programs
- Represent colleges on career day
- Share slide presentations from educational vacations
- Help in computer lab
- Present information on vocational/professional roles in community
- Be a school crossing guard
Do Clerical Work
- Check homework with objective answers
- Translate materials for parents/students
- Type materials for the classroom
- Volunteer in a school's workroom - making copies, cutting laminated materials, etc.
- Do Special Events or Projects
Help with carnivals or other events
- Help with school improvement projects
- Work in the school book fair
- Help with special art projects for cultural arts
- Chaperone a field trip or fundraising activity
- Serve as a judge for special competitions
Work in the Library
- Reshelf returned books
- Assist students in locating books and resources
Work with PTA
- Committee member
- Help with fundraiser
- Write articles for newsletter
- Attend PTA training
- Attending PTA meetings
- Attend school board meetings
- Assist with District Clothes Closet and/or School Supply Closet