General Info
- Athletic Programs
- Attendance & School Hours
- Basic Instructional Programs
- Career and Technical Education Academy
- Child Nutrition Services
- Code of Conduct
- Counseling and Guidance
- Dress Code
- Elementary Schools
- Employment Opportunities
- English as a Second Language & Bilingual Education
- Enrollment Procedures
- Extended Day Academy
- Fine Arts
- Gifted and Talented Programs
- Graduation Requirements
- Immunization Requirements
- Inclement Weather
- International Baccalaureate
- KEYS High School
- Kindergarten
- Pre-kindergarten
- Report Cards
- Secondary Schools
- Special Education
- Student Accident Insurance
- Student Discipline
- Students New to HEB ISD
- Summer Programs
- Transfers
- Transition Program
- Transportation
- Truancy
- Tutorials
- World Languages
Athletic Programs
HEB ISD offers a wide range of athletic programs for secondary students. Programs vary by grade level and include football, baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, track and field, gymnastics, swimming, golf, volleyball, and wrestling. For more details or contact information, visit the Athletics Department website.
Attendance & School Hours
- Elementary: 7:50 am to 3:05 pm
- Jr. High: 8:20 am to 3:35 pm
- High School: 8:45 am to 4:02 pm
On early release days, students are released at
- Elementary: 11:50 am
- Jr. High: 12:30 pm
- High School: 12:45 pm
For information about attendance policies, please reference the most recent HEB ISD Student Handbook:
Go to the Code of Conduct & Handbook webpage...
Basic Instructional Programs
Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District offers students a broad educational program stressing intellectual development, occupational and economic competence, citizenship, personal and social development, health, and physical fitness. Course content and teaching methods are designed to accommodate the needs of each student. Deputy Superintendent for Instruction, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Administration, and Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Administration facilitate curriculum development and the direction of district programs. Curriculum coordinators and directors, who are subject area specialists, regularly visit campuses to work with principals, assistant principals, instructional resource assistants and teachers in developing instructional strategies that will enhance the education of each student.
Career and Technical Education Academy
HEB ISD has a centrally located Career and Technical Education academy to serve secondary students (grades 10-12):
Visit the Buinger CTE Academy website...
Visit the HEB ISD CTE Department website...
Child Nutrition Services
Each school provides a daily breakfast and lunch. Students may pay for meals in cash or by using an account in which any amount of money may be deposited. Money may be deposited at any time and designated for breakfast, lunch, or other food. Online payment (deposit) is available as well. The district participates in the National School Lunch Program and offers free and reduced-price meals based on household size and income.
Go to the Child Nutrition Services department website...
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is available on the district website in English and Spanish.
Counseling and Guidance
School guidance and student counseling is available to all students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12. Counselors work as part of the educational team by helping students gain the most benefit possible from their school experience. Counselors serve as a resource in offering strategies for behavior and academic management. They play an important role in individual assessment and placement of students. HEB ISD counselors help students discover their strengths and needs, set realistic goals, and plan their education. Counselors also work with staff members in a "student services" approach to identify students and families dealing with issues that may become obstacles to success in school. HEB ISD counselors are able to link these families to a network of services available in the district and the community. Assistance is available through positive peer-group activities, campus support groups, and confidential referral for evaluation, care, and treatment of students and family members.
Dress Code
Uniforms are not required but all students must abide by the dress code outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
Elementary Schools
Elementary curriculum provides a well-balanced education focusing on language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and health. Students also learn to use new technology. Art, music, and physical education specialists work with classroom teachers to enhance the students' academic experience. A full-time librarian is on each campus to assist students in learning library and research skills.
Employment Opportunities
HEB ISD has many challenging and rewarding career opportunities in areas including teaching, substitute teaching, administration, child nutrition, maintenance, transportation, and custodial services. For more information on current employment opportunities, visit the Careers section of our website.
English as a Second Language & Bilingual Education
English as a Second Language is available to students who exhibit limited proficiency in English. Bilingual classes in Spanish are offered on designated campuses for eligible students in grades pre-kindergarten through five. English as a Second Language classes provide instruction to students who speak languages other than English. The coursework includes listening activities to enable students to increase accuracy in comprehension, speaking activities to allow students to learn to express themselves, and reading and writing activities. Activities that teach American cultural patterns are integrated into the curriculum.
Enrollment Procedures
The Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District is open to all students residing within district boundaries who meet state eligibility requirements. Students attend schools in the attendance area where their parents reside. The district also accepts out-of-district transfers for students who are accepted into Board-approved Schools of Choice programs. Children must be five years old on or before September 1 of the current school year to enroll in kindergarten. To attend first grade, the student must be six years old on or before September 1 of the current school year or have been enrolled in the first grade or completed kindergarten in public school prior to transferring to the district. Parents should register at the neighborhood school serving their residential address. Proof of legal name, age, and documentation of compliance with state immunization requirements should be presented at the time of enrollment.
For additional information, visit the HEB ISD Registration webpage...
Extended Day Academy
HEB ISD is pleased to offer an affordable, safe, and fun after school program available to students at all 20 elementary campuses. Each day children have the opportunity to finish homework, complete daily reading, play in the gym and outside, as well as participate in art, craft, and game activities. The program is open to students in all elementary grade levels and is open each school day from 3pm - 6pm. Please visit the HEB ISD Extended Day Academy Department site for more information.
Fine Arts
The Fine Arts Department is designed to provide a multitude of opportunities for students to develop creative talents, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. HEB ISD has art and music specialists in every elementary school with creative drama specialists in two schools and creative drama leaders in the other sixteen. Elementary students are also provided the opportunity to audition for and participate in the HEB Elementary Honor Choir. At the junior high level, students may develop their talents in band, choir, art, speech or theater. At the high school level, HEB ISD offers special interest classes in music (Band, Choir, Piano, Theory, Jazz Band and Show Choir), art (Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Jewelry, Graphic Design and Electronic Media) and AP Art, theater (Theater I-IV, Theater Production, Technical Theater I-IV), dance I-IV, and speech (Debate, Speech Communication, Oral Interpretation and Public Speaking). The arts programs have won many awards and are recognized for their excellence at the state and national levels. Fine arts students receive college scholarships every year. Many graduates return to teach in HEB ISD's fine arts program, pursue professional careers in the arts, and/or become lifelong arts participants and supporters in the community. For more information call the Director of Fine Arts (817) 283-4461, ext. 2073.
Gifted and Talented Programs
Students identified as gifted in general intellectual ability according to criteria established by HEB ISD may participate in the district's STEPS (Strategies and Techniques for Enriching Primary Students) or PEAK (Pupils Excelling in Ability and Knowledge) programs. These HEB ISD programs are based on the unique learning needs of gifted and talented students. They provide differentiated and enriched curriculum to build on the strengths of these students as they prepare for higher education and leadership roles in society. The STEPS program is designed for students in kindergarten through third grade. Students are cluster-grouped and taught by teachers who have training in gifted education. Gifted students in grades four and five participate in the PEAK program which nurtures the development and enhancement of the student's cognitive and creative abilities, focusing on abstract and logical conceptualization and problem-solving, research skills, computer and technology applications, and independent study in a peer-group setting. Sixth grade gifted students are served through the Advanced Academics language arts and math classes as well as periodic pull-out days designed to provide experiences with gifted strategies in the sciences and technology. Gifted secondary students meet daily in an Advanced Academics or AP/IB/GT English class, which satisfies the English course requirement. As an enhancement to the programs for highly motivated, academically talented students, the district offers Advanced Placement classes and the International Baccalaureate program, both of which provide college-level, rigorous content for the college bound student.
Graduation Requirements
Immunization Requirements
State law requires that students be immunized against communicable diseases. Information concerning exemptions from immunization requirements for medical or religious conflicts should be directed to the principal's office. Please refer to the HEB ISD Health Services Department's Immunization Requirements webpage for current requirements.
Inclement Weather
In the event of inclement weather, the superintendent may close or delay the start of school. Parents and students should visit the District web site, for current and accurate weather-related postings. Alternatively, information will also be posted on the official HEB ISD Facebook page. They should also listen to local radio and television stations, including WBAP 820 AM, KRLD AM, KDFW Channel 4, KXAS Channel 5, WFAA Channel 8, and KTVT Channel 11. Inclement weather makeup days are no longer scheduled in the school calendar, as a result of updates to state law that provide more flexibility in school schedules.
International Baccalaureate
When the program began in HEB ISD, L.D. Bell High School and Trinity High School were two of only 28 Texas high schools which offered the prestigious International Baccalaureate diploma program. HEB ISD has the distinction of being one of the few districts in the world to have the rigorous IB diploma program on multiple campuses. Offered in over 2500 schools in more than 115 countries, the International Baccalaureate diploma program is organized by the IBO, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is designed to encourage students to become critical thinkers and compassionate citizens by offering a classical education that incorporates research, college-level course content, writing, authentic assessment, and community service. Texas students who earn the International Baccalaureate diploma by passing internal and external exams in six subjects and completing research and service requirements are automatically awarded 24 credit hours at Texas public universities.
KEYS High School
KEYS High School offers a unique approach to effective education for HEB ISD students ages 16 through 21 who have been identified as having significant personal, academic, economic, or attitudinal needs. Students who have dropped out of high school or who are at risk of dropping out may complete the required coursework for graduation at the KEYS High School. Individualized instruction, computer-aided instruction, self-esteem enhancement, and flexible scheduling are the keynotes of the learning center's approach to education.
Go to the KEYS High School website...
A state-mandated program to enrich language development is available for students who will be four years old on or before September 1 and who meet other specific criteria. Students must either be of limited English proficiency or must qualify for the free/reduced-price lunch program. Pre-kindergarten is taught on 13 elementary campuses and is available to all students who qualify. Transportation is not provided. For more information, call (817) 283-4461, ext. 2084.
Report Cards
A report of a student's grades and absences is issued every six weeks. At the end of the first three weeks of a grading period, parents will be notified if the student's grade average is near or below 70. If a student receives a six-weeks grade of less than 70 in any class or subject, the parent may be asked to schedule a conference with the teacher of that class or subject.
Secondary Schools
HEB ISD secondary curriculum provides students access to numerous electives as they begin to explore options for their future. The HEB ISD junior high schools follow a semester plan with seven class periods in a school day. Two 18-week semesters make up the school year, and credits are granted at the end of each semester. High school students are encouraged to fully explore their interests through a wide variety of electives, career and technology programs, and extracurricular activities. Students are able to concentrate on development in specific academic areas and to explore career paths while preparing for employment and/or higher education. HEB ISD high schools follow a trimester plan with five class periods in a school day. Three 12-week trimesters make up the school year with credits being granted at the end of each trimester. This schedule allows ample time for students to earn required credits while taking full advantage of elective offerings.
Special Education
HEB ISD has a comprehensive Special Education Department to meet the needs of every eligible student. Each program is distinctive and offers challenging paths that will prepare students to achieve their greatest growth potential. The type of program, service, and amount of time spent in general and/or special education is determined on an individual basis by an Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee. The district employs educational diagnosticians, school psychologists, special education curriculum consultants, speech therapists, and various related service personnel. District special education programs include the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities for students ages three through six, Functional Curriculum, Mental Health/Behavior Intervention, Academic Remediation and Intervention, Transition Planning and Programming, Homebound Education and Speech Therapy. Students with visual and/or hearing impairments are provided services from birth to age 22. For more information, call the Director of Special Education at (817) 283-4461, ext. 2046.
Student Accident Insurance
Under Texas law, students and their parents/guardians are responsible for the cost of their medical care if injured on school property or while participating in school-sponsored events.
The District provides an opportunity for parents to purchase voluntary student accident insurance through Student Insurance Plans. Participation in this insurance program is strictly voluntary.
For more information, visit our Student Accident Insurance Information page.
Student Discipline
The Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District believes that every student should have the opportunity to learn in a safe, orderly, and supportive school environment. At the beginning of the school year, a Student Code of Conduct booklet containing information regarding student discipline will be distributed to students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
Students New to HEB ISD
State law requires students new to the district to provide proof of legal name and birth date. The original document, certified copy, or photocopy made and certified by the county clerk or other official of any of the following documents is acceptable: adoption records, birth certificate, church baptismal record, driver's license, hospital birth records, passport, school ID card, records, report card, or any other legal document that establishes identity. Satisfactory evidence of compliance with state immunization requirements should also be presented at the time of enrollment. Parents should bring a report card and withdrawal form from the previously attended district. A release of information card must be signed upon enrollment in HEB ISD so the school may obtain the student's official transcript from the previously attended district.
Summer Programs
We collect all information relating to transfers on our HEB ISD Transfer & Schools of Choice Application webpage.
Transition Program
The Transition Program was developed by the district in 1996. The mission of the HEB ISD Transition Program is to meet the needs of students with disabilities ages 19 to 22 through an individualized transition plan. Students participating in the program explore a variety of job sites and may secure and maintain a job in the community with the support of Transition Center personnel. The process may include post-secondary education, integrated employment, vocational training, adult services, continuing and adult education, independent living, community participation, and recreation and leisure. For more information, call the Director of Special Education at (817) 283-4461, ext. 2046.
The district provides transportation for students who live two or more miles from the school that serves their residential address. Bus service is also available to special education students who meet eligibility requirements. For more information, call the Transportation Department at (817) 283-4461, ext. 2453.
Failure to Attend is defined as an individual, required to attend school under Section 25.085 of the Texas Education Code, who is absent without excuse on ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period or three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period (parts of days includes tardies). An excused absence is determined by the teacher, principal, or superintendent of the school in which the student is enrolled per Section 25.087(a) of the Education Code. It is the parent(s)' responsibility to monitor the student's attendance, and the parent, subsequently, is subject to prosecution (Section 25.093, Texas Education Code) if the student fails to comply with the compulsory attendance laws. The student is also subject to prosecution (Section 25.094, TEC) or referral to the juvenile court if he/she fails to attend school as required by law. Excessive absences over the 90% attendance rule must have a doctor's note within three days of each illness (HEB Board Policy: FEC Regulation).
An offense is defined as being absent without excuse from 2 or more class periods (or hours for elementary students) during a school day. The offense may be a one-day confirmed truancy or two consecutive days with no parent/guardian contact.
Truancy Consequences
- First Offense Detention Hall or Saturday School Referral to District Truancy Office may apply for consecutive days offense
- Second Offense Detention Hall or Saturday School Referral to District Truancy Office
- Third Offense Three days at Crossroads (high school) or ISS (junior high) Referral to District Truancy Office/District action applied
- Fourth Offense Five days at Crossroads (high school and junior high) If necessary, off-campus citations issued to the student and/or parent Data submitted to the municipal court
World Languages
Courses in French and Spanish are offered in grades seven and eight. Arabic, Hindi and Mandarin Chinese are offered as part of the World Language Program at Viridian Elemenaty and the International Business Initiative at Central Jr. High only. At the high school level, students can choose classes in American Sign Language, French, German, and Spanish. Advanced Placement courses are available in French and Spanish.