Student Accident Insurance Information
You may not be aware that public school districts have immunity from payment of medical expenses for bodily injury to students and the public, except for limited liability as the result of the negligent operation and during the operation of a motorized vehicle (Texas Tort Claims Act § 101.021 and § 101.051). Under Texas law, students and their parents/guardians are responsible for the cost of their medical care if injured on school property or while participating in school-sponsored events.
The District provides an opportunity for parents to purchase voluntary student accident insurance through Student Insurance Plans. Participation in this insurance program is strictly voluntary. Enrollment forms are available through your student’s athletic trainer, at the main office of each campus, or you may access the form at
It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to return the completed enrollment form and premium payment directly to the insurance company. Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD will not collect forms or payments for this coverage.
Should you have any questions regarding the voluntary student accident insurance, please contact Student Insurance Plans at 469-579-4139.