Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD continues to grow as families seek out the high-quality opportunities available to our students. Recent growth in the eastern portion of the school district has outpaced projections, resulting in attendance zones that are not balanced for the capacity of their school. We are using this opportunity to adjust the elementary school boundaries of two small areas East of Industrial Boulevard and South of Trinity Boulevard. This adjustment, starting with the 2024-2025 school year, will greatly reduce the number of students who are "overflowed" to other schools because their zoned school is full.
These changes will help families better predict which school their students will be able to attend, and reduce the stress of each year's registration. We will also be putting resources and processes in place to enable smooth transitions for students attending new schools.
Questions and Answers
Q: What is Attendance Boundary Adjustment (ABA)?
A: Attendance Boundary Adjustments (ABA) help the District to manage growth in HEB ISD. As the District enrollment increases, it becomes necessary to adjust boundaries and open new schools. ABA enables the District to balance student enrollment at each school and reduce the number of students who must be unexpectedly "overflowed" to a school they are not zoned for.
Q: How do I know if my student is impacted by the district’s proposed Attendance Boundary Adjustment?
A: Families impacted by this ABA will receive notification by email in January 2024. The only residential addresses directly impacted by this change are two areas near Trinity Blvd on the east side of the school district:
- a small area south of Trinity Blvd and west of Euless South Main St will now be zoned for Oakwood Terrace Elementary
- parts of the area south of Trinity Blvd, between Trinity Blvd and Post Oak Blvd, will now be zoned for North Euless Elementary.
Q: What was the process for determining boundaries to adjust?
A: Criteria included effective utilization of space, geographic proximity to the school, student enrollment numbers within the planning area, and the ability to effectively transport.
Q: Who will ultimately make the final decision about boundaries?
A: The ultimate responsibility for setting school attendance boundaries will be the decision of the Board of Trustees.
Q: Will transportation be provided for impacted students?
A: Transportation will continue to be provided for students who live 2 miles from their campus or on a hazardous route. For additional information regarding transportation-related concerns, contact HEB ISD's Transportation department.
Q: How can my student remain at his or her current campus?
A: Students may apply for an intradistrict transfer to stay at their current campus during the Transfer Window (January 15, 2024 through March 8, 2024) on the HEB ISD Transfers webpage ( General transfer requests for elementary will be reviewed in August after all registrations have been completed. Secondary school zones are not impacted. Transportation is not provided for students who are granted transfers.
Students who completed the 5th grade at their current campus may apply for a transfer during the Transfer Window and the transfer will be considered based on the factors outlined in Board Policy FDB (REGULATION). Transfer requests for 5th to 6th grade students will be considered in April.
Information on general transfers can be found on the HEB ISD Transfers webpage (
Q: How will ABA impact my Schools of Choice (SOC) student?
A: SOC students who received a transfer to a SOC program when they entered the program do not need to reapply for a transfer. Their transfer is approved through 6th grade in elementary as long as they remain in the SOC program.
Students attending a SOC program at their home campus, but live at an address that has been rezoned to a new campus, will need to complete transfer paperwork during the Transfer Window. Those transfers will be granted in April.
Q: How will the ABA plan impact current home campus students in the Elementary SOC lottery for 2024-2025?
A: For the SOC lottery, a student’s home campus is their home campus for the 2024-2025 school year.
Q: If my child is impacted by ABA, will this change the junior high or high school he or she attends in the future?
A: There are no changes to the junior high or high school attendance boundaries at this time.
Q: My student is currently in the Extended Day Academy (EDA) at his/her campus. Will my student be able to enroll in EDA at his/her new campus?
A: Current enrollment for the EDA will allow for some additional students. Students affected by ABA will be able to pre-register for the EDA at their new home campus.
Q: If my student has a balance in his/her meal account, will that balance be accessible at the new campus?
A: Yes. The account is set up by student ID and will not be impacted by ABA.
Q: How can I support my child as he/she transitions to the new campus?
A: Students are very resilient to change, especially when their parents are supportive of the change. Young children are not an exception to this and tend to acclimate to their new environment quickly.
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